Thursday, May 22, 2014


…sometimes you just need a little. Call it a quarter-life crisis if you want. Call it a “give me a sign I’m doing the right thing” from powers greater than one’s self if you will. But at some point we all let go of the wheel and allow our life to unfold uninterrupted by our own control issues. Let’s say I’m in that place. 

Now, this current state I would say was forced upon me. Those close to me know that last year I worked my little booty off to move back to NYC and start over. Well, it wasn’t long before I had to come to terms with the fact that NYC may not be for me anymore. On January 10th while walking home (in Jersey City) from work (in NYC) I slipped on ice and broke my ankle on both sides (MOTHER FU&*%R)! 

[My ankle, present day; swollen and scarred.]

So that dream job I JUST landed disappeared and city living quickly lost its shiny sparkling luster. A recovery that started out estimated at three months is now pushing on month five and will probably go into at least month six. I still have to get a second surgery for crying out loud and I still have a lot of pain when I walk (with a limp might I add).
So, what to do you when you’re driving along in life and someone throws a brick at your windshield? You buy stationary!!!

[Planner $3, Notebook $4, Notecards, $1 ea, Pencils $4 (Target)]

…and beauty products (of course)!

I suppose for me I always take things like this happening as a sign to focus on things I’m really passionate about. Perhaps that “dream” job I worked so desperately to get wasn’t really MY dream at all? 

So now I have the opportunity to put my time and energy into things that I am passionate about such as blogging and growing my children’s online website (

 I hope that you guys are still rocking with me even though I’ve been on a hiatus while I’ve been trying to recover from this injury. Moving forward I definitely want to incorporate more mommy focused posts on the site since being a mother is such a huge part of my life now. Check out my handsome little first born…. 

[London James, Age 2]

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